Kinoko General Enterprises Ltd (KGEL) is a private limited company which was founded and registered in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in the year 2003. KGEL’s business portfolio lies in the provision of refractory installation and allied works in Africa.
I have the honour in taking this opportunity to acknowledge with immense gratitude our valued customers, whose patronage and confidence in our service has continued to inspire us and extend the best and world-class services thus enabling KGEL’s delivery of value for customers’ money. KGEL’s business successes over the years are attributable to our business plan and strength – skilled employees, machines and equipments and working capital.

I’m proud to say that KGEL distinguishes itself from competitors in the market by overcoming the challenges of financial sustainability, service price, safety and quality work, thereby winning more trust from customers. I would like to highlight notable operational factors underlining the basis for KGEL to outperform other contractors in the market:

• Coordinated managment • Physical presence in area of our markets • Customers trust through safe and quality service delivery • Building the trust and hope of employees by seeking their involvement in the application of their ideas and innovation in solving todays challenges
The above has been achieved by the concerted effort of hands-on KGEL’s Management professionals and their positioning and commitment to growth as and when new market opportunities arise.

I would like to thank the KGEL Board of Directors for their cooperation and the employees loyalty during the most turbulent period in which there was an oversupply of service providers together with psychological and physical impact at the loss of our beloved KGEL Founder, the late Mr. Shaffii Mohamed. Mrambas which occurred on the 5th May 2017 when most of our KGEL employees were deployed on project work in Lafarge Cement Lusaka and Lafarge Cement Ndola in Zambia.

I therefore seek continued patronage of our valued customers, cooperation of our employees and thank our wellwishers who have contributed to the growth of the company.



Ashraf Shafii Mrambas


Experience Team Members

Juma ngagas

Refractory installer

Ephraim Fumbo

Refractory installer

Mbulwa aniceth

Refractory installer

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